Pension Consultancy

Pension Consultancy: your partner in pension solutions

As an employer, you want the best pension solution for your employees. You can contact our professional Pension Consultancy team with administrative, actuarial-technical and legal questions about your employees’ pensions. In this way, we help you get started in a fast, efficient and focused way.

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A diverse team of experts

Comprehensive services

We know the market inside out

References in the management of pension funds and plans

Reachable, flexible and personal

Continuity assured: team works according to four eyes principl

Own pension fund Vanbreda PensionFund & Beyond

Support services

You want to manage everything properly so that your employees can retire comfortably after their careers. Our expert team of the Pension Consultancy service is your supportive partner and consultant for specific and complex issues surrounding pension funds and insured pension plans

The Pension Consultancy team is part of our Employee Benefits department which also includes EB Account Management and EB Services. Employee Benefits serves medium-sized and large companies and multinationals as a broker and consultant in various areas, such as insurance, pension funds, uniform accounting and communications.

At the Pension Consultancy service, you will meet a diverse team of skilled actuaries, lawyers, client managers, advisers and an accountant who are your trusted partners when you need help.

Our expertise is there for any employer with a plan for their team. We are an open environment where we use our administrative, actuarial-technical and legal expertise to support you and your business. We will shape your plans based on our four-part offering.

At Vanbreda, you are more than just a number. We look at your plan in a personal way and are never far away if you need help.

Our services


  • IAS/FAS/IFRS (ISAE certification): We increase the transparency and comparability of your business figures using these uniform accounting standards.

  • Cash flow: We simulate the future as truthfully as possible. In this way, we look at what the best solutions are for your business, such as (re)designing your pension plan or another insurance plan.

  • Asset Liability Modelling (ALM): We assess the risks of your pension plan. Our team examines the data to get a better picture of the risk patterns. We shape the different investment portfolios with their own expectation and volatility profiles so you can make the right investment choices.

Communication projects

Our team makes you more aware of the complete benefits package available to your employees. We communicate openly and transparently to you.

  • Personal Benefit Statement (PBS): A (personalised) overview of the Employee Benefits for each employee. We offer you a clear overview of guarantees and costs, including net amounts.

  • Total Reward Statement (TRS): A (personalised) overview of the total compensation package per employee, with benefits and bonuses for special matters and long-term incentives.

Pension funds

The services for pension funds within the Pension Consultancy department are very extensive. We support pension funds in a variety of ways:

  • Actuarial function

  • Risk management function

  • Compliance function

  • Administrative management

  • Actuarial advice

  • Legal services

  • Accounting management

  • Data Protection Officer (DPO)

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General consulting services

Our general consulting services are founded on four main pillars that interact with each other: design, financing, pension institution and implementation. Based on those four pillars, we look at what the best overall approach is for your business. Here, too, your administrative, actuarial-technical and legal issues will be addressed.

Our diverse team has a 360° view of every possible insurance solution on the market. We explore the different avenues to arrive at the best pension solution for your company. Accordingly, we always take a personal and tailor-made approach.

Vanbreda also has its own multi-employer pension fund: Vanbreda PensionFund & Beyond. As a company, you can choose this pension fund solution besides group insurance.

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Curious about your solution? We are at your service!

You have permanent contacts when you call on the Pension Consultancy services - whether you join our Vanbreda PensionFund & Beyond or not. Your contacts are accessible, flexible and specialists in their field. They stand for a bespoke service and offer different solutions within the plan you have in mind.

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Snipit saskia

Videopodcast — supplementary pension


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