Vanbreda Risk & Benefits ramps up DE&I efforts

In 2023, we took several steps to integrate diversity, equality and inclusion more into our business strategy and entered into a partnership with Autimatic. You can read more about both topics in the magazine of Lockton Global, the international network to which Vanbreda Risk & Benefits belongs.

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We offer all current and future employees equal opportunities, encouraging them to focus on their own development, make a positive contribution to the organisation, and elevate each other.

In the spring of 2023, Vanbreda, already established an all-in advisory committee to offer their executive committee a broader perspective on the challenges and opportunities in terms of DE&I for Vanbreda.

Pedro Matthynssens, CEO at Vanbreda Risk & Benefits: "We continually endeavour to build an open company culture, in which everyone feels respected, understood, engaged, and valued. This also enables Vanbreda to fulfil its corporate social responsibility."

Read the complete article in Lockton Global magazine here:

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