Increase in the retirement age from 2025: what are the implications for your supplementary personnel schemes?

On 1 January 2025, the statutory retirement age in Belgium will rise from 65 to 66. Five years after that, it will be 67. How do these changes affect your company’s supplementary personnel schemes? A quick update.

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Your company’s current schemes for supplementary pensions and life, work incapacity and health care insurance have been drawn up on the basis of the current retirement age of 65. As this age limit is set to be increased, it is advisable to adapt your schemes to the new retirement age where necessary.

How will this work in practice?

We are currently looking at what adjustments need to be made to the different schemes, in consultation with the various insurers. Once this is clear, we will provide a new update.

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Videopodcast — Global Benefits Management


By means of global benefits management, your organisation can easily run a strong employee benefits package worldwide. This structured, central approach provides a useful overview of all benefits and enables you to put together an attractive package in the war for talent. If social security is non-existent or too limited in one of the countries where you’re based, you can also provide your employees there with additional support through this insurance package. Employee benefits expert Kristof Baertsoen talks about the advantages of global benefits management in the latest episode of our video podcast Succes Verzekerd.

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