BloomUp en Vanbreda Risk & Benefits join forces for greater deployment of staff

Did you know that 36% of long-term absenteeism in the workplace is due to psychosocial causes such as burnout and depression? This alarming figure emphasises the growing importance of mental health support in the workplace. 


Evelyne Lauwers, Health Care expert: “We see today that the threshold for seeking professional help is still too high for two in three employees. We want to lower that threshold by our partnership with BloomUp. Together we make access to mental self-care easier through our Vanbreda app.”

Clovis Six, CEO BloomUp: “The right mental support is like a powerful engine that helps workers overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential. It creates resilience, boosts productivity and promotes a positive work environment.”

This Belgian health tech start-up, BloomUp, helps people to seek mental support more quickly using easily accessible digital solutions for preventive self-help and online matchmaking with psychologists and psychotherapists.

We are proud of this partnership with BloomUp, which allows us to reach out to employees to give them the mental support they deserve! 

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